Bollywood diva Shraddha Kapoor, celebrated for her blockbuster success in Stree 2, has made headlines by renting a luxurious apartment in Mumbai’s posh Juhu neighborhood. Spanning 3,928.86 sq. ft., the apartment is priced at ₹6 lakh per month, with a year-long lease agreement recently registered on October 16.
This luxury residence aligns with Shraddha’s soaring career graph post-Stree 2, which cemented her position as a leading Bollywood actress. Known for her down-to-earth charm and talent, Shraddha continues to win hearts on and off the screen.
About Shraddha Kapoor:
Daughter of Bollywood veteran Shakti Kapoor and Shivangi Kolhapure, Shraddha began her career with Teen Patti. Her rise to stardom includes hits like Aashiqui 2, Chhichhore, and now Stree 2.
Stay tuned for more updates from Shraddha’s new home in Juhu, a preferred hub for Bollywood A-listers.
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